Archives: Voices

You Won’t Believe How Little $8.25 an Hour Buys

This post was originally published on Oxfam America’s First Person blog on Sept. 29. For my hard-working family and friends who earn just above the U.S. minimum wage, a paycheck doesn’t go very far. My daughter struck it lucky when she landed a job for $8.25 an hour at the local…

Head Smacker: Poverty is Rampant in Cities. Where is the Urgent Response?

One in seven Americans is poor.  But what if poverty were far more prevalent – say, if one in four were poor.  What if the concentration of poverty among children were still higher:  at least one in three.  At those very high levels, we would expect many things to go wrong. …

What’s the State of Poverty in Your State? – Part 2

Last week, we highlighted some of the fabulous work our state partners did surrounding the reports on poverty in their states that they released in conjunction with CHN . The work continued this week, with even more organizations releasing reports based on the new Census Bureau data, and spreading the word…

Some Say $10.10 Would Hurt Business, But Most Business People Disagree

This post was originally published on Oxfam America’s blog, The Politics of Poverty, on Oct. 2. U.S. businesses are in. The American public is in. So what’s next on the minimum wage, Congress? It has long been the argument from some voices in business—or at least their Washington lobbyists and…

Fact of the Week: Only One in Four

Unemployment Insurance Reaches Historically Low Share of Jobless At the Witness Wednesday events held throughout this summer, in our emails, and here on our blog, we’ve continued to make the case for why Congress should renew unemployment insurance (UI) benefits for the long-term jobless that were allowed to expire last December….

What’s the State of Poverty in Your State?

Last week, CHN released a national report, New Census Data Confirm Millions Are Still Being Left Behind, on the state of poverty in the U.S. This week, we’ve been busy working with partner organizations in nearly 20 states to prepare and release state reports using the data from the American Community…

Valuing Workers by Paying a Fair Wage

This post was originally published on the U.S. Department of Labor’s blog, Work in Progress, on September 17. I had the great honor of joining a small group of faith leaders to meet with Secretary of Labor Tom Perez to discuss issues facing low-wage workers.  It was a profoundly moving experience…

Champion for Domestic Workers Deservedly Wins MacArthur “Genius Grant”

This post was originally published on Oxfam America’s blog, The Politics of Poverty, on September 17. Congrats to Ai-jen Poo, Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, organizing housekeepers, nannies and home health aides to expand workplace protections. Given the generally low wages and bad working conditions of America’s one…

CHN’s New Report: The Take-Away from the New Poverty Trends

I hope you’ll check out this new report by CHN’s Lecia Imbery:  New Census Data Confirm Millions Are Still Being Left Behind.  You may have seen some press coverage about the reduction in poverty that occurred between 2012 and 2013.  For the U.S. as a whole, the poverty rate declined…

Nuns on the Bus Notes from Sioux City

The second Nuns on the Bus town hall was held at the Sanford Center in Sioux City, Iowa, part of the most conservative area of the state. The venue was fitting as the Center’s mission is to create interracial understanding and better community living.  The lively discussion that permeated the…

On the Road in Iowa with Nuns on the Bus and Vice President Biden

It’s great to be on Nuns on the Bus (NOTB) back home in the heartland of Iowa.  Day one was powerful.  The sun on the golden dome of the Capitol in Des Moines with the bus in the foreground served as the backdrop for the stage where Sister Simone Campbell, executive director…

New Census Data Confirms Too Many Are Still Stuck in Poverty

With the Census Bureau’s release of 2013 income, poverty, and health insurance coverage data this morning, and it’s been a flurry of activity at CHN and in the wider human needs arena all day. CHN’s Deborah Weinstein released a statement noting that, while poverty did decline from 2012 to 2013, the…