Archives: Voices

In memory: Karen Hobert Flynn

All of us at the Coalition on Human Needs (CHN) are deeply saddened at the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn, President of Common Cause.  She was a tireless fighter for democracy.

A health care cliff is coming

I’m one of the 84 million Americans who get our health care through Medicaid. And I’m one of the 18 million who might lose it starting this spring unless our policymakers take action. I went to college, got a degree, and planned on being self-sufficient. But in my early 20s, I was struck by an autoimmune condition that caused painful, chronic flare ups that affected my ability to stand or walk.

CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship, February 24, 2023

The essentiality of SNAP edition. When the Great Recession took root in 2008 and worsened the following year, Congress did not act aggressively enough to protect America’s safety net. One result: as job losses escalated, hunger surged from 11.1 percent to 14.7 percent, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. But when the coronavirus pandemic caused an even worse (if shorter) disruption of the economy in the spring of 2020, Congress was more proactive. One of the measures it passed as part of an initial COVID-19 relief package was additional SNAP aid. 

CHN opposes President Biden’s proposed asylum ban

Earlier this week, the Biden Administration proposed a rule that would ban many refugees from seeking asylum in the United States. Under this rule, most asylum seekers who cross into the United States between ports of entry or who present themselves at a port of entry without a previously-scheduled appointment will be considered ineligible for asylum, unless they previously sought and were denied protection in a country they traveled through to get to the United States. CHN opposes this proposed rule.

Credit card holders get protection from fraud. Shouldn’t EBT users, too?

A few years ago, someone stole my card information and took over $100. You’d assume the bank or credit card company would reimburse that fraud, right? Not for me, unfortunately. The skimmed card number was for my Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, which allows me to purchase food for my family through the federal SNAP program (formerly known as food stamps). Unlike credit and debit cards, EBT cards are not protected

CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship, February 10, 2023

The cuts are unacceptable edition. Throughout the pandemic, certain Americans have borne more of the brunt of COVID-19 than others. The elderly have experienced the highest death rates. People with low incomes and people of color have been more likely to get sick, and to face economic displacement though job loss, lack of access to affordable child care, and even homelessness. These vulnerable Americans now face new threats: cuts to many programs critical to those in need.

Hi, Dads – and welcome to the fray! 

A brand new caucus has emerged in the U.S. House of Representatives. Its arrival is good news, if perhaps a bit overdue. Last week, members announced the launch of the Congressional Dads Caucus, which will focus on pro-family issues such as an expanded Child Tax Credit, national paid family and medical leave, and more funding for child care and health care. 

Don’t let politicians cut housing aid

We all need physical safety before we can do anything else. Without a roof over our heads, that sense of security is impossible. And with two small children in tow, things get scary. And after fleeing a dangerous domestic situation with my baby and 9-year-old son, with no home but the small moving truck I had rented to escape, I still felt unsafe and terrified. I left economic security and a beautiful Victorian home overlooking a lush green park in Savannah, Georgia and drove to Jacksonville, Florida — where I discovered the only affordable options for housing for us were uninhabitable apartments.