Next Wednesday marks the one-year anniversary of passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, an ambitious legislative package that will boost clean energy, lower prescription drug costs, and increase tax fairness by giving the IRS more resources to pursue wealthy tax cheats. Already, millions of Americans with diabetes on Medicare are saving money on insulin, which, in most cases, was capped at $35 beginning this year. And by September 1, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will announce the selection of 10 prescription drugs whose prices will be negotiated between the federal government and pharmaceutical companies.
Archives: Voices
Another chance to reduce childhood poverty
When I was born into poverty, the deck was stacked against me in all aspects of life — from educational opportunities and health care to the future earnings I could expect. Now I’ve graduated from college and I’m poised to start my first post-college job. What made the difference? Hard work, yes — but also public investment. Public programs helped keep me fed, healthy, and learning as I grew up. Kids growing up today deserve the same chance.
My summer as a CHN Intern: Why human needs work is so essential
On June 1, after a 10-hour trek from Chicago, I reached the nation’s capital, where I would spend the most of my summer as an Intern for the Coalition on Human Needs. I drove down Massachusetts Ave., through Embassy Row, as I entered D.C. proper. I was enamored of the various embassies and how each house indicates that country’s culture: the Mexican embassy has a clay hacienda-style exterior, the South African embassy features a staggering statue of the anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela, and the impressive Brazilian embassy boasts a mix of modernity with a traditional look.
CHN’s Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship, August 4, 2023

The threat of hunger edition. Back in the 1970s, Sens. Robert Dole (R-KS) and George McGovern (D-S.D.) worked together to advance the cause of nutrition assistance for low-income Americans. First, they cosponsored a bill that comprehensively reformed and improved food stamps. Then they came together again to help create the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Finally, they stepped in to protect and expand the National School Lunch Program.
Don’t slash fruit-and-veggies aid for kids and families
Hard-liners in Congress are attempting to pass a bill that would make staggering cuts to WIC, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. WIC gives expecting and new parents, babies, and children essential access to fresh fruits and vegetables, staple foods, breastfeeding support, formula, and health screenings. The Republicans’ proposal would slash the fruit and vegetable cash value benefit by 56% for kids and 70% for adults. I know firsthand how devastating these cuts would be to millions of families.
Bring Back the 2021 Expansion of the Child Tax Credit: An Effective Mechanism for Reducing Poverty
During the height of the pandemic in 2021, I worked as a summer intern in a Georgia senator’s office. As with any other intern, my main responsibility was answering calls from constituents regarding matters ranging from Social Security benefits to passports. Though not a day went by when I did not receive a call from a constituent asking about the Child Tax Credit (CTC) – the expansion of it being unknown to me at the time. As the days went on, more and more constituents would call and ask how to get it, when they should receive their money, if they were eligible for it, and so on. As the questions continued to roll in, I began to notice how many people were in need of this financial support from the government.
The Expiration Date of the Farm Bill is Near: Why A New Strong Farm bill is Needed
The Farm Bill is an omnibus piece of legislation that affects various facets of agriculture, such as what type of food is grown, conservation measures, and access to food. The multi-part bill expires roughly every five years, with the last Farm Bill passing in 2018 and expiring at the end of 2023.
CHN’s Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship, July 21, 2023

The harsh fall edition. In September and October, millions of Americans with low incomes will face additional hardship because of the expiration of a wide array of pandemic-era programs that were passed or expanded over the past three years. “Several pandemic-era safety net programs will come to an end at roughly the same time this fall, creating a major economic squeeze for millions of families,” Axios notes. “Scores of Americans will soon start facing bigger bills for student loan payments, child care, health care and food, deepening the impact of years of inflation.”
Black Maternal Health Crisis: America is Failing to Protect Expecting Black Moms
The decorated track star Tori Bowie captured a gold medal in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, two gold medals in the 2017 World Track Championships, and was the fastest woman alive at one point. At age 32, Tori Bowie died at home during childbirth on May 2, 2023, while suffering from eclampsia. Despite her supernatural-like talent, Tori fell victim to the systemic issue of Black maternal mortality rates. If Olympian Tori Bowie can suffer from this health crisis, then every Black woman is at risk.
What decades of social work taught me about poverty
I’ve worked with many economically struggling people. I grew up in meager circumstances myself and well remember the stigma and shame of having to do without. And this I can tell you: Not one person I’ve ever met wants to be poor, sick, disabled, struggling, or on the receiving end of public assistance programs. These programs are vital but often inadequate and difficult to access.
Celebrating with CHN: The Human Needs Hero Reception
The Coalition on Human Needs Thursday night hosted its annual Human Needs Hero Reception and honored Sr. Richelle Friedman, who spent 30 years fighting for social change in D.C., including 16 years serving as CHN’s Director of Public Policy. Friedman “ended her D.C. ministry” this past December and returned to her home state of Iowa, where she continues to pursue progressive advocacy.
The Century Foundation’s state fact sheets are a great resource for child care advocates
Last month, Voices for Human Needs detailed The Child Care Cliff, a new report released by The Century Foundation. The report warned that as many as 3.2 million kids could lose access to child care beginning this fall and 70,000 child care centers across the U.S. could close. As part of the report, The Century Foundation released fact sheets for all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. Each state fact sheet documents how many kids are expected to lose child care; the number of child care programs expected to close; the loss of earnings families will experience as a result of having to cut their hours or leave the workforce entirely; the loss of employer productivity; and the loss of child care jobs.