Archives: Voices

CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship March 19, 2021

The shot in the arm edition. More than one in five Americans have received at least one COVID-19 vaccination; that number is slowly climbing toward one in four. But it is not just tens of millions of Americans who are receiving a shot in the arm – so is our economy, thanks to the American Rescue Plan. 

People of conscience must speak out and take action against hate

The Coalition on Human Needs stands with the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities and with people of conscience throughout our nation in outrage and grief over the hateful killings of eight people, six of them women of Asian descent, in Atlanta.  

How the American Rescue Plan will save the child care industry and put women back to work 

Almost exactly one year ago, Kate Aronoff’s child care center closed due to COVID-19. She thought it would be closed for two weeks, and then her 5-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter would be able to return. But then Kate and her husband, who live in the small college town of Corvallis, Oregon, learned it was closing permanently. “We started calling around to all of the child care centers in our small-ish town to see who might have space and were able to get my children enrolled in another day care. However, two weeks later, we learned that that day care was also closing permanently, which was another big blow.” 

CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship March 12, 2021

 The victory lap edition. Help is on the way. Yesterday President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan. The plan is bold enough to meet the twin problems of pandemic and recession; The New York Times calls it “virtually without precedent in recent American politics.” 

COVID-19 complicates progress toward a more humane immigration system 

It’s no secret that Donald Trump’s immigration policies were not popular with a large segment of the American public. From Trump’s Muslim travel ban, derailing family reunification policies, detaining migrants at the border, and pausing the processing of Green cards, the Biden Administration has scrambled to undo these immigration policies.  Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of normal federal immigration function.

WV groups: Passage of American Rescue Plan critical for recovery

With the U.S. Senate on the verge of voting on President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID rescue plan, advocates for West Virginia families are saying federal relief is critical. Even before the pandemic, many in West Virginia faced food insecurity and a lack of childcare and broadband access – according to Amy Jo Hutchinson, an organizer with Our Future West Virginia. “Food insecurity is always a problem,” said Hutchinson. “A lot of that has to do with food access, because we’re so rural in so many areas. And I know that when COVID hit, the food pantries around here, they saw an increase of three times the regular need.”

CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship March 5, 2021

The Hurry Up Senate edition. The Senate is poised to vote on the American Rescue Plan this weekend, and not a minute too soon. Unemployment benefits are scheduled to expire on March 14 if Congress does not get a bill to President Biden’s desk before then. Even if the bill gets final enactment early next week, some states may face an interruption in benefits because of the short lead time. Despite this, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) demanded a reading of the entire 628-page bill, which took hours. 

Arizona families counting on passage of COVID relief plan

As Arizona families struggle to recover from the pandemic’s economic fallout, advocates for children and families say quick passage of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan has become critical. Tomas Robles, co-chair of Living United for Change in Arizona, or LUCHA, said families need help – before and after the pandemic is over. “There’s never going to be enough, in terms of total relief that our country has received,” said Robles. “But our families are going to take some of the assistance and really be able to continue pressing and persevering through this really difficult time in a lot of people’s lives.”

Colorado Children’s groups urge U.S. Senate to pass COVID relief

Colorado advocates for children, low-income workers and other vulnerable populations are urging Congress to pass President Joe Biden’s COVID relief package to address growing food and housing insecurity. Stephanie Perez-Carrillo, policy and partnerships manager for the Colorado Children’s Campaign, said families need help now. “All families, including immigrants, deserve a chance to be safe, healthy and to have the economic means to thrive,” Perez-Carrillo asserted. “We’re hoping that Congress acts now, and we call on lawmakers to pass this vital piece of legislation to support our nation’s families.”

NH children’s advocates urge swift passage of American Rescue Plan

As New Hampshire families struggle to recover from the pandemic’s economic fallout, advocates for children and families say quick passage of the American Rescue Plan is critical. Deborah Weinstein, executive director of the Coalition on Human Needs, said the relief package will provide resources to speed vaccinations, increase health coverage and protect education and other services. “Above all, the rescue plan directs help where it is most needed: to jobless, to rural areas, to communities of color, to children and families and people with disabilities,” Weinstein outlined.