Archives: Voices

What We Are Called To Do, in a Screenshot

CHN’s Deborah Weinstein listened to the funeral service for Representative John Lewis through the Washington Post website. Noting the website’s stories and op-ed columns that shared space with the civil rights icon’s service, she writes that “the view gathered up our moment: the long and courageous march towards justice that John Lewis urges us to continue, the forces that stand against the full expression of democracy, and the ongoing harm that such injustice inflicts.” 

Pandemic brings food insecurity to more Utah families

As Congress debates a new coronavirus stimulus bill, more people in Utah are facing food insecurity as the economy struggles with the effects of the pandemic. Groups that offer social services say some families who were previously able to provide healthy meals will see a double whammy at the end of this week. That’s when the enhanced federal unemployment assistance is set to expire, leaving many households unable to pay rent.

CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship July 24

The time is NOW edition. As of this weekend, the $600/week Pandemic Unemployment Compensation will expire.  Majority Leader McConnell has not yet even been able to get his caucus to agree on a COVID-19 relief package to put forward (they say they will have one on Monday, July 27). At a time when unemployment claims are rising again and spiking COVID-19 cases (more than 4 million) are paralyzing business activity, Congress must act NOW to protect people from health threats and severe economic hardship. 

Trump’s latest attack on the 2020 census: ‘We’ll see him in court, and win, again’ 

President Trump this week issued a directive that seeks to prevent some immigrants from being included in the 2020 census for purposes of congressional apportionment next year. The announcement drew immediate criticism from legal experts who say the directive is plainly unlawful, from advocates who say it will undermine a census effort already beset by the coronavirus pandemic, and from civil rights groups who threatened immediate legal action. 

CHN’s Deborah Weinstein: Every Person Counts and By Law Must Be Counted

President Trump issued a memorandum on July 21 that wantonly disregards the Constitution in asserting that his Administration will not include undocumented immigrants in its 2020 Census count for purposes of Congressional apportionment. CHN has been working faithfully along with its members and allies to ensure that every person is counted in the 2020 Census. We know that an accurate count ensures that communities receive their fair share of education, health and other resources. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution is completely clear in basing representation on “the whole number of persons in each state.”

Dire times could worsen for Missouri families on the brink

As the U.S. Senate returns to work this week, there are urgent calls for legislators to act quickly to ensure all Missouri families can meet their basic needs during and after the COVID crisis. In the next two weeks, a moratorium on evictions will expire along with federal emergency unemployment benefits. Jeanette Mott Oxford, Director of Policy and Organizing with Empower Missouri, said that could be a double whammy for the 4-in-10 Missouri households that have someone who has lost a job in recent months.

CHN’s COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship July 17

Congress returns to Washington on Monday, July 20, with deadlines only days away for expiring unemployment benefits and the end of evictions moratoria. That’s a very dangerous combination: back rent will come due while half of American households have lost earnings and 25 million jobless people will start losing $15b per week in unemployment benefits. The Senate must join the House in enacting COVID recovery legislation similar to the House’s HEROES Act – the time is now.  

International students prevail as Trump Administration rescinds xenophobic policy  

After facing multiple lawsuits and challenges by 20 states, the Trump Administration this week fully rescinded its previous directive that would have prevented international students from entering or remaining in the United States if their college classes were to be held entirely online. The National Immigration Law Center tweeted, “This policy should have never even seen the light of day. The Trump administration’s culture of cruelty led the way in the forming of this policy,” NILC said. “Thank you to every university, organization, and state that took action to file suits and stop this policy in its tracks.”