Archives: Voices

Coronavirus and xenophobia: ‘When people look at us, they just don’t see us as American’ 

The global panic surrounding the novel coronavirus has incited widespread anxiety, helplessness, and even panic-buying hundreds of rolls of toilet paper. However, another pandemic response has reared its ugly head: prejudice. COVID-19 panic has exposed deep-seated xenophobia within Western culture and it has led to a disgusting display of hostility toward Asian Americans. This xenophobia has manifested itself in a very racist coronavirus narrative, one that has been perpetuated by some Americans as well as the Trump Administration.  

Urgent: CHN April 3 Webinar — Congress and COVID-19: What Passed and What Comes Next. Register Today.

Register now: On Friday, April 3, from 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. ET, CHN will host a webinar entitled, “Congress and COVID-19: What Passed and What Comes Next.” Learn about the historic $2.3 trillion relief and recovery legislation enacted by Congress, and how it responds to the massive public health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation enacted so far takes some important steps towards protecting people and shoring up the economy. But it does not do enough, and Congress will have to return to ensure that the people most in need get adequate help. Advocates and service providers nationwide need this information!

CHN analysis: The CARES Act – Necessary but Not Sufficient to Prevent a Depression

Now that both the House and Senate have passed the CARES Act – the third round of legislation in response to the nation’s health and economic crisis – it is time to begin focusing on the things that were not included and what Congress can – and must – do in the future. “The CARES Act takes some important steps towards responding to the combined health and economic crisis, and the Coalition on Human Needs supports it,” said CHN Executive Director Deborah Weinstein. “But it does not do enough, and Congress will have to return to ensure that the people most in need – and whose aid will do the most to spur recovery – get adequate help.”

How will coronavirus affect renters?

Amanda Hiern is the latest victim of COVID-19 even though, as far as she knows, she has not contracted the virus. The New Orleans bartender and server-turned-Uber-driver had counted on earning fares and tips during the city’s renowned St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, but the city cancelled the festivities. Amanda already was behind in her rent because a recent illness left her unable to drive as many hours as she needed. And Amanda’s landlord is threatening to evict her, even posting an eviction notice to her door. “I’m a gig worker so how am I supposed to earn this money?” she asked. “I live day to day – not even pay check to pay check. All my income is dependent on events, tourism, and the bars and restaurants being open. This eviction notice is making me feel like I should go out and risk my life for money.”

Take action: Tell the states to pass vote-by-mail legislation

Voting by mail has always been a good idea, but during a public health emergency caused by a pandemic, the necessity of allowing voting by mail multiplies dramatically. We must ensure people have the opportunity to participate in our democracy—to share their views about the direction our country should go—and remain safe.

CHN to U.S. Senate: Without Action, Our Economy Will Sink into a Harsh and Prolonged Recession

On Monday, CHN sent a letter to all 100 U.S. Senators demanding that the next round of COVID-19 legislation include policies that protect low- and moderate-income people from economic disaster. The letter critiques a Republican proposal that was released on Thursday. “The bill either excludes or provides much less in direct cash payments to low-income people,” the letter states. “Specifically, some people with little income, who need help the most, would be limited to a $600 payment, instead of the $1,200 amount provided to others; some people would be excluded altogether.”

Coronavirus and our incarcerated: ‘I don’t have a lot of faith they’re going to do the right thing’

When we consider where coronavirus most likely might incubate, certain venues come to mind: cruise ships. Nursing homes. Locker rooms and big sports arenas. Airport security and boarding lines. Schools and day care centers. Even restaurants and bars, which is why so many across the U.S. have been shuttered. Health officials warn that jails, prisons, and other types of detention centers must be added to this list – and if we fail to take the necessary precautions, not only will it place those incarcerated at inhumane and unconstitutional risk – it will also endanger our families and communities, overwhelm our hospitals and make it even more difficult to “flatten the curve” of the spreading coronavirus.

Many college students bear brunt of coronavirus

Nearly two months ago, I was packing my bags for the Spring semester of my junior year. I remember checking items off my early-January to-do list like every college student. I had heard of coronavirus, but it still felt distant. Its relevance drifted in and out of my life through the occasional news headline, chat with a friend, or meme on Twitter. Fast forward to this week, and 157 countries, including the United States, have reported confirmed cases of COVID-19. There have been over 218,631 confirmed cases globally and around 84,113 people have recovered. Over 9,345 of these are in the U.S. The outbreak is a topic of daily conversation, I wince a little bit upon hearing a particularly phlegmy cough on the Metro, and my school is telling me to go home.

Update: The Senate passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. But Congress still needs to hear from you.

On Wednesday, the Senate passed and President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which will provide immediate paid sick leave and paid family leave to millions of people, expanded unemployment insurance, vital nutrition aid, more Medicaid funds for states, and free COVID-19 testing. But more action is needed. The next round of legislation must include direct payments to families and individuals amongst other critical services.

CHN to Senate: ‘Not only is our income at risk, but our lives’

Update: On Wednesday, March 18, the Senate passed and President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. On Friday, March 13, the Coalition on Human Needs sent a letter to all 100 Senators urging passage of comprehensive legislation to address the COVID-19 disease outbreak. In a related move, CHN also urged its supporters to call their senators and demand passage. The letter, signed by CHN Executive Director Deborah Weinstein, states that passage of the legislation “will be a step towards putting the needs of low-income and vulnerable people first.” But it warns that even with swift passage of pending legislation, a more “fully adequate response” will be needed very soon.

Babies are counting on an accurate Census

The Decennial Census occurs once every ten years and babies count on us to get it right. Overlooking and undercounting young children has serious consequences. The population most likely to be missed in the Census is the same group of children most likely to live in poverty, experience homelessness, and live in stress. These babies can’t afford to be missed.

New Strategies from Connecticut Count All Kids Project

In Connecticut, child advocates are engaging in a variety of approaches to make sure that young children, especially young children under the age of five, are counted in the 2020 Census. The efforts are crucial because in 2010, there was a net undercount of an estimated 3.3 percent of Connecticut’s young children. About 22 percent of the state’s residents – 804,000 people – live in hard-to-count tracts. About 12.4 percent of children (23,075) live in households where they are not the child of the householder, and nearly one in ten (9 percent) live with a grandparent – factors that make it even more difficult to ensure an accurate count. So what are child advocates doing? Lots! Here’s a rundown – and, quite possibly, some ideas that advocates in other states will want to try.