Archives: Voices

Block granting Medicaid is still a terrible idea

In its latest effort to reduce access to affordable health care, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is reportedly working on guidance to pave the way for states to apply for waivers to block grant their Medicaid programs. Under a traditional block grant, states would receive a fixed, capped dollar amount of federal funding, whereas now they can draw down federal funds based on the program’s expenditures. Any effort by CMS permitting states to block grant Medicaid is not only legally dubious, but also ill-informed policy that will only act as a cut to Medicaid.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) delays disaster aid

After months of delay, members of the Coalition on Human Needs were relieved and grateful that the Senate overwhelmingly approved disaster relief for 16 states and U.S. territories. Because the Senate acted late, final passage required unanimous consent in the House to get the bill to the President without waiting past the Memorial Day recess week.  Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) saw fit to withhold consent, and now those afflicted by hurricanes, typhoons and floods to wildfires, tornadoes, hail damage and drought will have to wait yet another week.

No one is born with more of a right to be healthy and thrive than anyone else

Bridget Rittman-Tune recently completed her spring internship with the Coalition on Human Needs. Bridget, who is studying Women’s Studies and Geographic Information Systems at the University of Maryland where she graduates this May, shares with us her thoughts and experiences as a CHN intern. 

CHN calls on Senate to pass disaster relief — before Memorial Day recess

CHN is urging members of the U.S. Senate to take immediate steps to pass a disaster relief bill. CHN is calling on senators to pass a bill before Memorial Day recess that includes nutrition assistance funds for Puerto Rico and other territories in need; Medicaid funds for the U.S. territories of Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and American Samoa; disaster funds for states, territories, and tribes; and humanitarian aid to assist unaccompanied minor children.

Victory! House passes bill to strengthen LGBTQ nondiscrimination laws

In a great step forward for social justice, the U.S. House on Friday approved the Equality Act, which would strengthen federal civil rights laws for LGBTQ Americans. The vote was 236-173, with eight Republicans joining all Democrats in supporting the measure.

Register now: Webinar to focus on Trump’s latest plan to deny assistance to those in need and how to fight back

The Trump Administration has put forth a proposal to change the way poverty is adjusted for inflation. Over time, this adjustment would reduce funding for essential human needs programs by billions of dollars. Millions of Americans would be affected, including children, seniors, people with disabilities, and others who are poor or near poor. On Wednesday, May 22, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) and the Coalition on Human Needs will host a webinar entitled, “The Latest Plan to Deny Assistance: Shrinking the Poverty Line.”

Gisele Fetterman: American dream should be for everyone

I know all too well the stress of living and building a life here without legal status. When I was 7 years old, my mother, who had advanced degrees and a coveted career, brought my brother and I to the U.S. to escape the violence of Rio de Janeiro, where I was born. The American dream is real, and I should know because I’m living it. Unfortunately, for millions of people, that dream has been deferred because of uncertainty surrounding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

For immigrants, fear, confusion, and the chilling effect

The young 9-year-old Latina girl was terrified – worried that her parents would be deported from their North Carolina home while she was at school. She began experiencing recurring headaches, stomach pain and anxiety. She missed school days because of her fear and her health issues. Her parents were aware that she needed medical care but were scared to seek treatment for her for fear it would affect the family’s immigration status.

New report: Making WIC work better

A new report released this week finds that far too many pregnant women, new mothers and their young children are missing out on the nutrition they need. The report details a “shocking downward trend” in WIC participation. “Making WIC Work Better: Strategies to Reach More Women and Children and Strengthen Benefits,” released this week by the Food Research & Action Center, provides strategies to overcome barriers to WIC participation and effectively reach and serve more eligible pregnant women, mothers, and their young children.