Archives: Voices

Payday lending: A cycle of debt and desperation

During the past year, payday lenders and those who issue car-title loans have taken more than $8 billion in fees and interest from families in the U.S. who took out loans that operate as debt traps, according to a coalition of consumer groups and others that has formed to put…

Resources from around the Coalition: DACA, CHIP and disaster relief

Today’s the day – Congress will either come to an agreement on another short-term stopgap spending measure (known as a Continuing Resolution, or CR), or we’ll face a government shutdown. The House voted for a one-month bill on Thursday night; Senate action is still uncertain. Along with keeping the proverbial…

Trump’s Medicaid Work Requirements: Meet Real Life

“There’s a stereotype that disability recipients don’t want to work. The reality is very different.” On Jan. 10, the Washington Post published a piece highlighting five Americans who receive federal disability benefits; the quote above is from that piece. Many of the people highlighted in the story talk about how…

An affront to democracy

During the last week of December, with the halls of the U.S. Capitol nearly empty and millions of Americans paying attention to anything but the news, word emerged that a Department of Justice official formally has asked the Census Bureau to add a question to the 2020 Census about respondents’…

America’s deep freeze is no time to be stingy about heating homes of the poor

Editor’s note: This piece was originally published by CNN on January 4.  Low-income families struggle to pay their home energy bills in the best of times, and these are not the best of times. Record cold temperatures are bearing down along the East Coast and across the Midwest, and, based…

Cuts by any other name

Over the holidays, Jared Bernstein, Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, had an interesting op-ed published in the Washington Post. His New Year’s resolution to journalists and others: When talking about changes to the programs that make up our country’s safety net, do not say “reform”…

If our children are so ‘precious,’ we must invest in them

Editor’s note: This piece was originally published by the San Francisco Chronicle on December 23, 2017. We often hear how “precious” a child is, what a “treasure” she is, and how our kids are “our greatest resource.” Neuroscientists tell us that ages 0-3 are the most critical years for cognitive, social and…

The value of seeing and treating poverty as a health issue

In July of this year, Barry Ostrowsky, the CEO of RWJ Barnabas – the largest hospital-based health care provider in New Jersey — sat down with PBS talk-show host Steve Adubato to talk about RWJB’s recently developed “social impact initiative.” In Ostrowsky’s words: “It is an attempt to make communities…

Ryan, McConnell and Trump’s Failed Leadership

Congress’ leaders and President Trump care about getting tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations – that much has been established. But how about carrying out the most basic responsibilities of government? Such as: ensuring the stable continuation of health coverage for children and operations of community health centers; helping…