Archives: Voices

This is not America as we know it

Hundreds of activists and community organizers from across the United States rallied in Washington, D.C. Wednesday to protest the Trump Administration’s new policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at U.S. borders. Among the speakers was Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-WA, who is believed to be the only member of…

How to break a Census

Editor’s note: The following blog post is authored by CHN intern Paige Brigham, a rising senior at Allegheny College. The House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice held a hearing Friday about the decision to include a question on citizenship in the 2020 Census. Secretary of Commerce…

Save the date! CHN Human Needs Hero Reception July 19th

It’s been a roller coaster of a year and you’ve ridden with us the entire way. Together we’ve fought to defend important human needs programs, from SNAP to affordable housing to health care. And we’ve stood with immigrants and their families, women teaching us to resist and persist, young people…

Not in Our Name

When a mother and child flee to an entry point along the U.S. border, seeking asylum from violence in their home country, they have endured threats to their lives. The U.S. has every right to investigate their claims, but it has long done so in accordance with national and international…

Socio-Emotional Health is Often Invisible, But It Still Needs Support

Editor’s note: The following blog post is authored by Caitlin Forbes, Communications Manager for the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality. It originally appeared here. The post was written prior to the deadly school shooting that recently took place in Santa Fe, Texas. In Bountiful, Utah, on Dec. 1, 2016,…

Supreme Court decision benefits corporations at the expense of workers

“[T]he Supreme Court has dramatically tilted the legal system against the working people, paving the way for corporations to break workplace laws with impunity. … Every American needs to know that the Trump Administration sided not with the workers in this case, but with the corporations that want to strip…