Archives: Voices

Success in defeating harsh cuts to SNAP in the House!

Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, on the success in defeating harsh cuts to SNAP/food stamps in the House of Representatives: The defeat of the farm bill is a great victory, because it is a rejection of mean-spirited and wrong-headed cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance…

Consumer protections from payday lenders survive – for now

The Trump Administration, payday lenders, and their allies in Congress have been working for some time now to roll back protections designed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to restrict the predatory practice of payday lending. Today consumer advocates are celebrating, at least for now. Here’s why: last night,…

Sandy’s SNAP Story

Editor’s note: The video below features Sandy, a volunteer with MomsRising. Sandy received SNAP while caring for her aging parents when they had back-to-back health emergencies, but the proposed work requirements in the Farm Bill would deeply harm families like hers if they are enacted. Watch her story below. The House is…

SNAP changed my life. Stop targeting it with cuts.

Editor’s note: The piece below was written by Sharvonne Williams, a former RESULTS REAL Change Fellow. It was originally published on RESULTS’ blog on May 14. The House is poised to take up the Farm Bill – with disastrous cuts to SNAP – as early as Friday, May 18th! Please CALL…

How the House’s SNAP cuts would hurt children

The House is likely to vote as soon as next week on the Farm Bill, legislation that includes the reauthorization of SNAP/food stamps. Despite historically being a bipartisan bill, the version put forth by the House GOP leaders this year includes sweeping, even stricter work requirements for recipients than those…

CHN urges Congress to reject Trump cuts that undermine children’s health program and break agreement to lift spending caps to meet needs

Editor’s note: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Tuesday, May 8 in response to the Trump Administration’s rescissions package:  “The members of the Coalition on Human Needs urge Congress to reject the $15.4 billion rescissions package proposed by the Trump Administration. It…

Take action to protect SNAP

H.R. 2, the Farm Bill, threatens to deny food to 2 million people. Please take action to protect SNAP and those who rely on it. Take Action NOW: Call Your Representative! On Tuesday, May 8th, we all need to call our members of Congress and tell them to “Vote NO on H.R. 2,…

Head Smacker: The theory of winners and losers

House Chaplain Fr. Patrick Conroy was asked to resign by Speaker Paul Ryan, we learned yesterday. Maybe he couldn’t get with the program. On November 6, as a House committee was taking up the tax cut legislation, Father Conroy offered his daily prayer. In part, it said “As legislation on…

Why work requirements won’t work

28-year-old “Jerry” is a white male, divorced with two sons, and a high school dropout. He began drinking alcohol and using marijuana when he was 14, and by age of 19 had expanded his addiction to include heroin, pills, and cocaine. He’s failed twice to complete inpatient treatment programs, one…