Archives: Voices

CHN meets with Task Force on Poverty, Income Inequality, and Opportunity

Editor’s note: On Tuesday, the Democratic Whip Task Force on Poverty, Income Inequality, and Opportunity met with CHN Executive Director Deborah Weinstein.  The conversation focused on new Census data on poverty, the Republican budget, appropriations, and the effectiveness of anti-poverty programs.  This is the Task Force’s statement following that meeting:…

Fact of the Week: 12 facts about the Graham-Cassidy repeal bill

Editor’s note: The following piece was originally published on Families USA’s blog on Sept. 19. For more information and analysis on the horrible ACA repeal bill that the Senate is expected to vote on as early as Sept. 27, see the resources listed at the end of this post. Please take…

Head Smacker: They’re trying to repeal the ACA…again

Millions of Americans breathed a sigh of relief in July when the Senate failed – by one vote – to repeal the Affordable Care Act. But despite hearing from millions of you, their constituents, before, during, and after their summer recess, Senate leaders are at it again. They are trying…

2.5 Million Fewer Poor People in 2016; Now-threatened programs made the difference

The poverty rate declined to 12.7 percent in 2016, down from 13.5 percent in 2015 and from 14.8 percent in 2014, according to new U.S. Census data released Tuesday.  That 2.1 percentage point drop is the largest two-year decline since 1969. Since 2014, the number of people in poverty has…

What to look for in the new Census Bureau data

Editor’s note: On Tuesday, Sept. 12, the U.S. Census Bureau will release its annual estimates of poverty, household income and health insurance coverage for 2016.  What follows is a description both of trends CHN will be examining from the 2016 data, and questions CHN will be raising about the future…

Security and Stability: The Importance of Paid Leave

In 1992, Lauren and her husband Steve, of Mercerville, New Jersey, welcomed their daughter Stephanie to the family.  They didn’t know it at the time, but they would become the textbook argument for paid family and medical leave, both in their home state and across the country. “Like most expectant…

After Harvey: A self-inflicted fiscal disaster in Washington?

Editor’s note: The following op-ed by CHN Executive Director Deborah Weinstein was originally published by The Hill on September 4. Urge Congress to fix disasters, not inflict them, by emailing your representative and senators today. For all the background you need on Congress’ list of do’s and don’ts for September, click here….

Trump’s Decision on the Dreamers Coming Tuesday

While 800,000 young people and their families waited fearfully to see if the Trump Administration would turn their world upside down, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Friday that the President’s decision about the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be announced on Tuesday, Sept. 5. President…

‘It’s sad that we have to have this happen for us to come together’ 

The numbers are staggering: a death toll of 39, rising almost by the hour.  Nearly 50,000 homes in Houston alone flooded and uninhabitable.  30 percent of Harris County submerged – an area that is equivalent in size to Chicago and New York City combined.  294,000 people without power, from Corpus…

22-day vigil to defend DACA

The dedicated activists stand steps away from the White House, with signs calling on Congress and the Trump administration to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the Temporary Protective Status (TPS) programs. When passersby stop and sign their petition, the volunteers cheer and celebrate. They know they…