Archives: Voices

Spending bills’ one-two punch to working families

When members of Congress return to D.C. after Labor Day, they’ll have a lot to do in a short time. At the top of Congress’s “must do” list is passing spending legislation to keep the government open after the new fiscal year starts on October 1. With only 12 days…

Children, Fear, and Dreams

Yesterday was the five-year anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). Nearly 800,000 people who came to the U.S. as children have gained temporary legal status through DACA, if they met certain criteria, such as having lived continuously in the U.S. since June of 2007. DACA has…

Rethinking Workforce Training for Low-Income Moms

Editor’s note: This post was written by Carol Burnett, the founder and executive director of the Mississippi Low-Income Child Care Initiative, a nonprofit that has been a champion for affordable child care for low-income working parents since 1998. This post was originally published on the National Women’s Law Center blog…

Faith Leaders Stand with Young Dreamers in Front of White House​

On August 2, faith leaders, other advocates, and young people who have legal immigrant status as part of the DACA program gathered together in front of the White House.  They were there to urge the President to maintain the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  DACA was instituted by…

There is no limit to what we can accomplish together in solidarity

Editor’s note: Raquel Douglas, CHN’s Summer 2017 intern, recently concluded her internship with us. Before leaving, she penned the following piece on her thoughts on her summer in D.C.  On July 26, President Trump tweeted that people who are transgender are banned from serving in the military. For many weeks,…

Safe and stable

Editor’s note: July 24 marked the beginning of the National Housing Week of Action. In recognition, Michigan’s Children, a statewide independent child advocacy organization, launched “Safe and Stable”, a guest blog series to shine a light on the systems and policies that keep foster-affiliated young adults from achieving safe, stable, and…

14 reasons why we do the work we do together

The CHN office is always a flurry of activity. With a small staff and so much to do to protect and expand programs that help our low-income neighbors, there’s no time to sit still. This week is even busier as we take care of final preparations for our Human Needs Hero…