Archives: Voices

Withdraw the rule. Protect tipped workers.

Back in December, Voices for Human Needs reported on a proposal that would make workers’ tips the property of employers, which would harm an already vulnerable workforce made up mostly of women and, disproportionately, of women of color. Studies out just last month show how much damage the proposed Department…

Head Smacker: The State of the Union edition

There were so many Head Smackers in President Trump’s State of the Union address last night that it nearly left many of us at CHN with concussions. Thankfully, CHN’s members were quick to react and get the facts out there. Below is a recap of just a few of the…

How to respond to President Trump’s State of the Union

Tonight President Trump will deliver the State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress.  We will be listening – both to the things he says and for the things he doesn’t say. To help you respond to the President’s speech, we are sharing with you some tools…

The President’s cynical immigration plan is anti-family and anti-community

Editor’s note: CHN Executive Director Deborah Weinstein issued the following statement Friday in response to President Trump’s immigration proposal: “President Trump’s reported plan in response to his own denial of legal status for the Dreamers is cynical, holding them hostage to extreme restrictions in immigration that must be rejected. “The…

Another blow to the Census

A dress rehearsal of the 2020 Census – officially known as the End-to-End Census Test — is scheduled to take place this spring in Providence County, Rhode Island. But in another blow to the count, a change from the 2010 Census that was recommended to increase the accuracy of the…


Imagine you live in a rural county.  Imagine your neighbors – and perhaps you, even – voted for a candidate for public office who ran on a platform of deporting those suspected of being in your county illegally. Imagine that candidate was elected.  Imagine, further, that after that candidate was…

Please continue to contact your senators

UPDATE: The recent government shutdown ended with an agreement that the Senate will take up legislation to protect the Dreamers – people who have been in our country since they were children and know no other. But getting decent protections to the finish line is highly uncertain. To get there,…

Payday lending: A cycle of debt and desperation

During the past year, payday lenders and those who issue car-title loans have taken more than $8 billion in fees and interest from families in the U.S. who took out loans that operate as debt traps, according to a coalition of consumer groups and others that has formed to put…

Resources from around the Coalition: DACA, CHIP and disaster relief

Today’s the day – Congress will either come to an agreement on another short-term stopgap spending measure (known as a Continuing Resolution, or CR), or we’ll face a government shutdown. The House voted for a one-month bill on Thursday night; Senate action is still uncertain. Along with keeping the proverbial…

Trump’s Medicaid Work Requirements: Meet Real Life

“There’s a stereotype that disability recipients don’t want to work. The reality is very different.” On Jan. 10, the Washington Post published a piece highlighting five Americans who receive federal disability benefits; the quote above is from that piece. Many of the people highlighted in the story talk about how…