Archives: Voices

Budget brings an avalanche of pain

You may remember Tianna Gaines-Turner from previous blog posts. Last year, we reported on a new documentary making the rounds at Sundance and other venues throughout the country. A Hug from Paul Ryan followed the story of Tianna who, despite working two jobs just like her husband, struggles with poverty in their hometown…

The People’s Budget: A Roadmap for the Resistance

This week, members of Congress heard from more than 120,000 Americans who favor an alternative to the slash-cut-and-burn budget proposal put forth by President Trump and favored by some in Congress. That’s the number of people who signed a petition backing The People’s Budget: A Roadmap for the Resistance. The…

There’s no painless way to end the Medicaid expansion

Editor’s note: The piece was written by Dee Mahan, Director of Medicaid Initiatives at Families USA, and was originally published on Families USA’s blog on June 1.  As the Senate develops its version of the House’s American Health Care Act (AHCA) it should bear this in mind: There is no “glide…

It’s called ‘having a country’

Last week, Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney testified before the Senate Budget Committee about President Trump’s FY18 budget proposal. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) asked Director Mulvaney why the budget eliminates funding to protect the Great Lakes and other water conservation efforts. “On behalf of Michigan families,” she…

Resources from around the Coalition: the Trump budget edition

More than $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid. Nearly $200 billion in cuts to food assistance. $72 billion in cuts to disability programs, including Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income. More than 250,000 fewer rental housing vouchers for families struggling to avoid homelessness. Elimination of funding to help…

CHN on CBO analysis: 23 million reasons why House health care bill must be defeated

Editor’s note: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Wednesday in response to the CBO’s analysis of the House health care legislation: “Twenty-three million fewer Americans would receive coverage if the American Health Care Act becomes law – yet another sign that this…

The Trump budget: A harsh attack on our own people

Editor’s note: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of CHN, issued the following statement Tuesday in response to President Trump’s budget proposal. A PDF version of this statement can be found here.  “Members of Congress should rise up to reject the bleak and dangerous vision in President Trump’s budget. Its massive denial of…

Hands Off!

By now you probably have heard: the Trump administration tomorrow (Tuesday, May 23) will release its budget proposal for fiscal year 2018, which begins Oct. 1. We don’t know every detail of the proposal, but what we have seen leaked out in the media has us and every other proponent…

The big squeeze on human needs programs continues

Editor’s note: This piece was originally published by The Hill on May 19. Stay tuned to CHN’s blog and emails for more information on President Trump’s FY18 budget, anticipated Tuesday, May 23, which is expected to slash trillions of dollars from programs that help low-income Americans. To learn more about the budget,…

To raise basic living standards, we must first #RaiseTheCaps

“On Tuesday, the President is expected to unveil a budget that busts through spending caps for defense while slashing domestic investment, which are also critical to our defense. We can’t have a secure nation if our citizens aren’t educated, aren’t healthy, and don’t have access to opportunities.” – House Minority…