Archives: Voices

The protests are working

There’s a developing narrative across the country: The protests are working. On many issues of concern to the human needs community, ranging from health care to immigration to efforts to fighting discrimination, a hostile executive branch finds itself backtracking and on the defensive. Perhaps the first journalist to take note…

The onset of a feminine revolution

Seven-year old Laney, who lives across the courtyard from me, attended the Woman’s March in Chicago with her mother. Her comments afterwards were that there were lots of people, most of them were women and she was proud to be there. That memory could last for her entire lifetime. LeAnn…

Let’s stand up and fight for what we believe in

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on RESULTS’ blog on Dec. 15, 2016.  According to the narrative the world tells about people like me, I should never have graduated from college with a 4.0 GPA. I should never have been chosen as commencement speaker. I probably should never have…

President Trump, honor our promise

Last weekend, President Trump signed an Executive Order effectively banning Muslims from seven countries from entering the U.S. and suspending the refugee resettlement program. Advocates across the country rightly responded with outrage and concern, holding protests at airports and other public places, and flooding the Twitter feeds, phone lines, and…

CHN Applauds Boycott of Price Confirmation Vote

Earlier today, Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee boycotted the votes to approve the confirmations of Rep. Tom Price for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and of Steve Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary. CHN opposes Rep. Price’s nomination and applauds the Senators for taking this action, which…

Mean-spirited and a waste of tax dollars: Trump administration pulls plug on ACA advertising

Late Thursday, the startling news began breaking: In the final, critical week of the 2017 enrollment season for the Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration ordered that outreach and advertising efforts touting the enrollment deadline be halted. The news, first reported in Politico, will tamp down final 2017 enrollment numbers,…

Opposing Rep. Mulvaney for OMB Director

During Rep. Mick Mulvaney’s Jan. 24 confirmation hearings to be the head of the Office of Management and Budget, Democratic senators reminded those present and watching online about some of his past actions, including when he called Social Security a Ponzi scheme, voted for a measure in the South Carolina state…

Opposing Rep. Price for HHS Secretary

On Jan. 24, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) sat before the Senate Finance Committee and made his case for why he should be confirmed as the next Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. A recording of the hearing can be viewed here. Many Democratic senators were unhappy with Rep. Price’s…

March On!

Editor’s note: This post was written by Leo Nguyen, CHN’s new intern. As the 45th President of the United States was inaugurated last Friday, Washington D.C. witnessed a transition of power from President Obama to President Trump. Across our nation, many people celebrated and many felt defeated. The inauguration was…

Drawing the Women’s March on Washington

Well over a million people attended Women’s Marches in Washington, DC, across the country and the globe. I was one of them, and so was my daughter, Lauren Weinstein, who draws/writes comics for The Village Voice. I hope you will forgive my motherly pride in sharing her depiction of the…