Parents speak: How the expanded Child Tax Credit makes their lives easier
ParentsTogether Action, a family advocacy organization which represents 2.5 million parents across the U.S., is collecting stories from moms across the country about how the new, expanded Child Tax Credit has made their lives easier. The group is turning these stories into professionally produced videos. Here are six snippets.
[But first, a note about how the Child Tax Credit works. Millions of families have been receiving monthly checks since last July as part of the American Rescue Plan Act. The monthly payments add up to one-half the total CTC owed the family. The remainder will be received after the family files a 2021 tax return between January and April 15, 2022. All this is in current law. So – no one will stop getting their full credit this December. The Biden Build Back Better bill now in final negotiations in Congress is expected to include a one-year extension of the CTC, and CHN plans to work hard to make the expansion permanent.]
Jessica in Arizona:
“When COVID hit, my husband lost both his jobs and we were forced to file for bankruptcy. So when I found out I would receive up to $300 a month for each of my two children as part of the new Child Tax Credit, I was so relieved. Today, these child checks are helping me cover preschool and day care for my kids. The stability these child checks are bringing to families like mine is the bare minimum of what’s needed. If these checks end in December, my family will be in trouble. So, Senators Sinema and Kelly, don’t let parents down. We’ve shown up for our families and now it’s time for you to show up for us and make child checks permanent. We’re counting on you.”
“We’ve shown up for our families — now it’s time for you to show up for us.” Jessica’s family lost everything during #covid, and #ChildChecks help her afford daycare. @SenatorSinema & @SenMarkKelly, #Arizona families need you to make the #ChildTaxCredit permanent! pic.twitter.com/rJJO7tAZ86
— ParentsTogether Action (@ptogetheraction) September 28, 2021
Maria in West Virginia:
“COVID has been absolutely terrifying for myself and my two daughters. I’m a single mom, currently in remission from cancer. One daughter is off to college and one still lives here with me and I don’t get child support for her. So when I found out I could receive $250 a month with the new Child Tax Credit, I can’t tell you how much that meant to us to get that added extra support…If those checks end in December, my family will be in so much trouble.”
Stormy in West Virginia:
“COVID has been terrifying – not only because of the virus but because I had a fire in my house and the engine in my car blew up and I’m trying to take care of two children without any child support. So when I found out I could receive $250 a month per child as part of the new Child Tax Credit, I was so relieved because that meant I could provide for my children.”
Christina in New Hampshire:
Ever since COVID hit, we’ve been really struggling. As a single mom with two boys, we were in crisis mode. Suddenly, I was dealing with working full-time, having the boys, and I still needed to get food on the table and clean and cook. There was just not enough time or money. We relied on the soup kitchen. My car, it was breaking down regularly. The Child Tax Credit has allowed me to upgrade to a reliable vehicle and put fresh food on the table for my boys.”
Nathaniel in Delaware:
“I lost my job during the pandemic. I immediately got another one, but it pays minimum wage. It wasn’t enough to take care of my family. When I found out that I would receive $300 a month for each child with the new Child Tax Credit, I was so relieved because we were struggling.”
Alicia in Montana:
“Ever since COVID hit, we’ve really been struggling. My daughter is hearing impaired and that comes with extra things, like extra doctors’ appointments, a different kind of school, and I had to take a lot of time off work because I didn’t have child care. When I found out that we were getting the $250 Child Tax Credit each month, it was a huge relief.”
To watch all six videos, go here.