Are You Ready to Use the Census Bureau’s Newest Poverty Data?
On September 16 and 18, the Census Bureau will release 2013 findings from national income and poverty data and the American Community Survey, respectively. Get prepared for the newest release of Census poverty data on September 11 with CHN’s annual webinar training, The New Poverty Data: Using it to Show What Works (and What Doesn’t) to Reduce Poverty.
Each year CHN develops extensive resources for interpreting this data and using it at the state and national level. On September 11, CHN’s webinar will dive into what the new data will likely show about poverty, income, health insurance, and more with a focus on learning how to access and utilize national, state, and local data. Co-sponsored by Community Action Partnership, this free training will feature expert economist Jared Bernstein, a frequent commentator on CNBC, MSNBC, in the New York Times, and through his own blog, On the Economy. From 2009 – 2011, Jared was the Chief Economist and Economic Advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, and now is a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Debbie Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, will join Jared and explain how to get and use the data. She has been analyzing the Census data for decades, and specializes in helping advocates nationwide to use the data. Christian Dorsey, Director of External and Government Affairs at the Economic Policy Institute, will moderate the discussion and lead audience Q&A. An expert in community development, housing, inequality, and public economics, Christian is a frequent voice on television and radio with his analysis appearing in a variety of media, including The Washington Post.
As we move into another election season and face plans to fight poverty that would do more harm than good (like those of Rep. Paul Ryan), understanding and using this data to shape public policy priorities is more important than ever. Even if you are unable to tune in live on September 11, we encourage you to register in advance to ensure that you receive important tools and links to resources. All registrants will receive the following:
-Full recording and slides from webinar
-Tables with state data from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities as soon as data is released
-Census Bureau materials showing your state’s trends in poverty, health coverage, income, unemployment, educational attainment, and use of benefits
-Timely analyses of the data from key expert organizations
-Advocacy tools: sample letters to the editor, key points you can incorporate in your own letters, blogs, and more
See below for full event details and email Joanna at jsandager@chn.org with questions.
The New Poverty Data:
Using it to Show What Works (and What Doesn’t) to Reduce Poverty
Thursday, September 11
2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. ET (11:00 a.m. PT)
Register Now