Resources from Around the Coalition: School Meals, Pentagon Spending, Reducing Barriers and More
Protecting school anti-hunger efforts. Calling out excessive Pentagon spending. Reducing barriers for people with criminal records. CHN’s coalition members are producing great work on very important issues. This week, we continue our Resources from around the Coalition blog series, highlighting important resources you should be aware of.
- A new report from the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that the number of high-poverty schools adopting community eligibility, an option that allows qualifying schools to offer breakfast and lunch at no charge to all students without collecting and processing individual school meal applications, rose in the 2015-2016 school year. Interactive maps provide information on the extent to which eligible school districts and schools in each state implemented community eligibility. As we noted in our latest Human Needs Report, anti-hunger advocates strongly oppose provisions of the House Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill that would reduce the number of schools and students that could benefit from the Community Eligibility Provision, leaving countless children without access to nutritious meals.
- Along with their federal income tax receipt calculator that shows how the federal
government spent all the money you paid in income taxes, the National Priorities Project has great infographics showing how much the average American taxpayer spends on Pentagon needs vs. human needs. They also have a scary infographic showing U.S. military spending compared other countries (hint: U.S. military expenditures are roughly the same size of the next seven largest military budgets combined).
- Along with their federal income tax receipt calculator that shows how the federal
- Led by the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Urban Institute, the Work Support Strategies (WSS) initiative provided resources to select states to design, test and implement more effective and integrated approaches to delivering key supports for low-income working families. These supports included health coverage, nutrition benefits, and child care subsidies. Now, recently produced videos about South Carolina, North Carolina, Colorado and Idaho, and Rhode Island highlight the accomplishments of the initiative, and new resources offer lessons learned and suggestions for other states.
- Researchers from the Economic Policy Institute believe it’s time for an
ambitious national investment in America’s children, and they outline the benefits a large public investment in early childhood care and education would have on children, families, society, and the economy. Their recent report shows how the investments would yield a number of benefits for children, helping to close educational achievement gaps between low- and high-income children and reduce interactions with the criminal justice system later in life.
- Researchers from the Economic Policy Institute believe it’s time for an
- New analysis from the National Employment Law Project shows that many states fall short in removing and reducing job-licensing barriers for workers with records. Unlicensed & Untapped: Removing Barriers to State Occupational Licenses for People with Records offers a state-by-state analysis of laws that aim to reduce the barriers preventing people with records from obtaining the state licenses necessary to practice a variety of professions. It also provides a model state law and policy recommendations for state lawmakers.
- BONUS: On a related note, the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s new report examines the devastating toll of parental incarceration on a child’s well-being. A Shared Sentence offers proposals to address the increased poverty and stress that the more than 5 million U.S. children who have an incarcerated parent experience. They also have a related podcast. The White House Council of Economic Advisers also recently released a report, Economic Perspectives on Incarceration and the Criminal Justice System, evaluating criminal justice policy and weighing its crime-reducing benefits against its direct government costs and indirect costs for individuals, families, and communities.
All of these resources are great tools for advocates. If you know of a great resource others should know about too, share it in the comments section below.