Resources from around the Coalition: Affordable Housing, Summer Meals, the Safety Net and More
Affordable housing. Summer meals. The effectiveness of the safety net. CHN’s coalition members are producing amazing work on really important topics. I wish I had time to cover each of them in-depth in their own blog post, but unfortunately, I don’t. Nevertheless, I wanted to make sure these important resources were highlighted in case you missed them. So, here are some recent resources from around the Coalition:
- The National Low Income Housing Coalition’s report, Out of Reach, shows that in order to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment in the U.S., renters need to earn a wage of $19.35 per hour, and that a renter earning the federal minimum wage needs to work 85 hours per week to afford a one-bedroom apartment at the Fair Market Rent. Find the data for your state, nonmetropolitan or metropolitan area, or county using their interactive map.
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that the safety net is more effective against poverty than previously thought. By correcting for the underreporting of key government benefits in the Census survey, they found that the safety net reduced the poverty rate from 29.1% to 13.8% in 2012 and lifted 48 million people above the poverty line, including 12 million children. They also found that the safety net for the poorest weakened after welfare reform but regained strength during the Great Recession.
- The Food Research and Action Center’s report, Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation, shows that more low-income children are eating summer meals. More than 3.2 million children participated in the Summer Nutrition Programs in July 2014, a 7% increase over the
previous year, showing what can be done when the federal government, states, and communities make summer food a priority. See how participation has changed in your state using their interactive map. On a related note, Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap report includes data on food insecurity by county and congressional district, a great tool for advocates reaching out to Members of Congress.
- In their Every Kid Needs a Family report, the Annie E. Casey Foundation highlights state data that point to the urgent need to ensure that everything possible is being done to find loving, nurturing and supported families for children in foster care. Part of their KIDS COUNT policy reports series, this report also highlights the ways state and local government leaders, policymakers, judges, communities and private providers can work together to serve children in foster care.
- TalkPoverty.org, a project of the Center for American Progress, launched TalkPoverty Radio, airing every Thursday at 4pm ET. TalkPoverty Radio is an effort to lift up some of the untold stories among the 45 million Americans living below the poverty line. The show busts myths, offers solutions, and takes aim at the institutions and policies dragging people down. Past episodes are available via podcast.
- While not a member of the Coalition (though we might wish he were), comedian and HBO show host John Oliver did a great segment on paid leave for Mother’s Day last month. In it, he references MomsRising’s 2006 documentary “The Motherhood Manifesto.”
What resources have you discovered recently that you want to make sure everyone knows about? What resources did your organization recently release? Share them in the comments section below.