Resources from around the Coalition: Hunger and Poverty, Child Care, Housing Recovery and More
Hunger and Poverty. Child Care. Housing Recovery. This week we continue our series, Resources from around the Coalition, where we highlight great work that CHN’s member organizations are putting out.
- Bread for the World recently issued individual state fact sheets highlighting hunger and poverty across the nation. Their fact sheets provide important state data on the number of households struggling to put food on the table and the number of people in poverty, and make several policy recommendations to Congress. They also ranked states on hunger and poverty, finding Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana highest in hunger and Mississippi, New Mexico, and Louisiana highest in poverty. You can read more about your state here.
- On a related note, TalkPoverty, a project of the Center for American Progress, has a very useful graphic that allows you to look up poverty data by state and by Congressional district. The site allows you to see the poverty and child poverty rate compared to other states and districts and breaks down the data by race and ethnicity. To find out the statistics for your state and Congressional district, visit their site here.
- The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) recently released an interactive map that shows state imprisonment rates and spending over the past few decades. Click on the map below to see the rates and figures for your state and other states across the country.
- A new report by the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) highlights the importance of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program for children in poverty. They explore different policy options to support parents and children during pregnancy and infancy. The paper also focuses on ways to improve benefits and services for families. You can learn more and read the full report here.
- The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) released a report showing that high quality child care is unaffordable for many working families. EPI finds that child care costs among families with two children exceed the cost of rent in 500 out of 618 US communities. They also find that infant care costs exceed the average cost of public in-state college tuition in 33 states and the District of Columbia. To learn about this growing problem in your state and to find more interactive graphics, click here.
- Recent data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the unemployment level falling in October to 5%, its lowest level in 7.5 years. However, the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) points out that many minority groups are still being left behind in the economic recovery. They show that while overall unemployment fell in October, unemployment for adult Black women increased to 8.1%, while that number increased to 9.2% for adult Black men. You can see more on the recent data here.
The Center for American Progress (CAP) released a report bringing attention to the uneven housing recovery in the United States following the Great Recession. While overall home values are on the rise in the past few years, the report highlights that there is still much work to be done in some parts of the country. They show that nearly 1,000 counties across the nation have seen either stagnant of increased percentages of underwater homes – where the owners’ homes are worth less than homeowners owe on them – since 2011. To find statistics on your county, visit CAP’s interactive map.
- The National Employment Law Project recently put out their latest Unemployment Insurance Policy Advocate’s Toolkit to provide people with resources on various state unemployment insurance issues. You can learn more and read the toolkit online here.