Resources from Around the Coalition: Poverty, Wage Gap, Economic Growth and More
Poverty. Wage gap. Economic growth. Following the Census Bureau’s release of annual poverty data and the release of CHN’s national poverty report, we wanted to highlight some amazing and related work by our coalition members in our Resources from the around the Coalition blog series.
♦ The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) put out a series of fact sheets that break down the wage gap in our country based on each state and between different races. The report reveals that women fare best in Washington, D.C., making 89.5 cents for every dollar their male counterparts make and fare worst in Louisiana, making 65.3 cents for every dollar a man makes. Statistics on the wage gap in your state can be found using their interactive map.
♦ The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) also released information on women and poverty, based on newly released data from the Census Bureau. They highlight that more than one in seven women lived in poverty in 2014, with poverty particularly high for families headed by single mothers. For a state by state breakdown of women and poverty, visit their interactive map.
♦ RESULTS recently issued a statement focusing on the importance and effectiveness of several poverty programs. They also provide links to several tools that allow advocates to take action, including a Letter to the Editor template and updated Editorial Memo to raise awareness of poverty and tax credits for working families.
♦ The Center for American Progress (CAP) released a report underscoring that, despite overall economic growth, far too many American families are still struggling to make ends meet. The report highlighted income inequality and wage gaps among citizens. They also noted that poverty is not a stagnant group; CAP reports that between 2009 and 2012, nearly 35 percent of Americans saw monthly incomes fall below the monthly poverty line in two or more months, but only 2.7 percent of Americans lived in poverty for the entire four year period. More information and infographics can be found in their report.
♦ A recent report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) revealed that the modest improvements in state economies between 2013 and 2014 brought little change to household economic conditions in most states. The EPI reports that the lack of any real wage growth for over a decade has left households in 38 states with lower incomes in 2014 than in 2000. You can find information about your state by visiting their interactive map on median household income.
♦ The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has also released a report highlighting the changes in real median income, by race and ethnicity. They find that between 2007 and 2014, median household incomes declined by 8.8 percent for Asians, 7.2 percent for whites, 0.7 percent for Latinos, and 10.5 percent for African Americans. Additionally, median household income continues to be significantly lower for African Americans and Latinos, when compared to whites. Year by year figures can be found using EPI’s interactive graph.
♦ The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) recently put out a report revealing the relationship between income growth and rent costs. They find that 2014 median household income of $53,657 was 7 percent below the inflation-adjusted 2007 level. However, median rent nationally (including utilities) was $934 a month, 4 percent above the 2007 level, after adjusting for inflation. They find that more and more Americans are struggling to pay rent, but federal rental assistance helps, lifting 2.8 million people out of poverty in 2014.
For more Census Poverty data and analysis visit CHN’s resource page and read CHN’s national report, Economic Growth Leaves the Poorest Americans Behind. Then, take action with CHN’s poverty data social media toolkit by sharing some of our infographics and sample tweets.