Save the date! CHN Human Needs Hero Reception July 19th
It’s been a roller coaster of a year and you’ve ridden with us the entire way. Together we’ve fought to defend important human needs programs, from SNAP to affordable housing to health care. And we’ve stood with immigrants and their families, women teaching us to resist and persist, young people determined to reduce gun violence, and teachers fighting for their students’ education.
Instead of bemoaning dark times, it’s time to celebrate those who are leading the new flowering of advocacy.
The Coalition on Human Needs invites you to join us for our 15th annual Human Needs Hero Reception on Thursday, July 19th.
Please mark your calendars for an evening of food, drinks, and celebration. Each year, we honor heroes who stand up for the needs of low income and vulnerable people. Because this last year has been exceptional, we will come together to honor both new and experienced champions. Get ready for an open-hearted time that with passion and laughter affirms our vital work together.
Keep an eye on this space, as we will be publishing additional details about the Human Needs Hero celebration soon. In the meantime, please save the date! This is our only fundraising event of the year and all proceeds raised go to supporting the work of the Coalition on Human Needs.
Date and Time: Thursday, July 19th 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location: AFL-CIO, 815 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20005
If you have any questions, please reach out to Nicolai Haddal, Field and Events Coordinator, at nhaddal@chn.org or 202-223-2532 x115.
We look forward to seeing you July 19th!