Standing united with the human needs community
Periodically, CHN embarks on an ambitious endeavor – to get thousands of organizations across the human needs community and across the country to join together to advocate for a stronger America that actively ensures the well-being of all of our people.
We call it our SAVE for All Campaign, which stands for Strengthening America’s Values and Economy for All. As you might have guessed by now, we’re back at it with an updated statement of principles for a new Congress. That’s why, if you represent a local, state, or national organization, we hope you’ll join us and sign the 2019-2020 SAVE for All statement of principles.
When the next Congress is sworn in, we know that there will be at least 56 new members. It is imperative that we show them and returning members that the human needs community is unified in our strong commitment to protect important services and advocate for progress that benefits us all, not just the wealthy and big corporations.
SAVE for All sets forth four principles related to federal decision-making:
- Protect Low-Income and Vulnerable Populations.
- Promote Job Creation and Strengthen the Economy for All.
- Increase Revenues from Fair Sources.
- Seek Responsible Savings from Wasteful Spending in the Pentagon and Elsewhere.
You can read the full statement of principles here and then sign on to the SAVE principles using this form by December 14.
We’re calling on all organizations concerned about meeting human needs to show their support for these principles. We want service providers, religious congregations and other faith groups, civil rights groups, labor organizations, businesses, local advocacy groups, professional associations, and so many more to join us in telling Congress that our priorities must not be ignored and should be high on its agenda. Bringing groups together from across the nation in support of these principles has helped us to provide effective opposition to cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, and other basic needs programs, and to fight for increases in child care, public health, and other services. We’ve stood for fair and adequate tax revenues. So much is at stake in the coming months – we need your help to show the widespread support for a federal government that works for all.
Hundreds of organizations have already signed on, but we need everyone in on this. If your organization signed on to the SAVE principles last time, we hope you’ll join us again this time around – we won’t add groups automatically (click here to see the list of previous signers). If your organization didn’t sign on last time, that’s OK, too – we invite you to join us now.
Please sign on to the 2019-2020 SAVE principles using this form by December 14. Have questions? My colleague Joseph Battistelli (jbattistelli@chn.org) will be more than happy to answer them.
Once you have signed, please pass this information along to your networks and encourage them to sign their organizations on too! By bringing together thousands of organizations from all corners of the human needs community and all corners of our country, we truly can make a difference. Thank you for your support.