Tell Congress: Do No Harm
You’ve likely heard about what’s going on in Washington, D.C. this week. Members of Congress, faced with a deadline that could come Friday or slide into next week, are negotiating a FY17 spending bill that could further threaten human needs programs.
We’ve heard this song before. We need you to take action. Tell your Representative and Senators to pass a funding bill with the right investments and without poison pill riders.
In recent years, Congress has cut domestic and international spending by more than $100 billion. The result is that we are serving fewer people and serving them less well. Fewer people are receiving low-cost child care. Fewer people have access to affordable housing. Fewer people have access to job training. The list goes on and on.
The spending bill Congress is trying to finish up now should stop the cutting and start to reverse these damaging trends. But instead of focusing on holding the line against more cuts, negotiators in Congress are grappling with last-minute proposals from the Trump Administration to shift important resources away from human needs. They would concentrate precious resources on things like rounding up and deporting immigrants and spending money on military programs the Pentagon doesn’t need. What’s more, Congress is considering adding poison pill add-ons to the spending bill that could endanger your rights in the workplace, threaten health and undermine environmental protections that help keep your communities strong and safe.
We need you to tell Congress: Enough is enough. Finish the spending bill by rejecting the cuts and the poison pills. Click here to send a letter to Congress.