What’s the State of Poverty in Your State? – Part 2
Last week, we highlighted some of the fabulous work our state partners did surrounding the reports on poverty in their states that they released in conjunction with CHN . The work continued this week, with even more organizations releasing reports based on the new Census Bureau data, and spreading the word about poverty, the devastating effects of misguided policy decisions (like the sequester), and the need for additional investments in policies that help people stay out of poverty (like the Earned Income Tax Credit and housing assistance vouchers) in their states. Here are just a few things our partners did this week:
The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy did a press release and press call when they released their report. CHN’s Deborah Weinstein joined the call, which included several press outlets. The call resulted in an article written for Public News Service about the report, which quotes Deborah and Jim Schuyler, executive director with the Virginia Community Action Partnership. The Virginia Interfaith Center then posted about it on Facebook:
The Arkansas Community Organizations released their report and invited CHN’s Deborah Weinstein to join ACO’s Neil Sealy on Community Voices, a radio show on KABF 88.3FM to talk about poverty in Arkansas.
Our friends at 9to5 Colorado issued a press release for their report and are working on a blog post that will be cross-posted on this blog.
Harambee Conference and The Jethro Project in West Virginia released their report at an event on Thursday, The New Census Poverty Data and Full Employment: A Cause for Activism in West Virginia.
Action for Boston Community Development (Boston ABCD) issued a press release for their report and are working on submitting information to major newspapers in Boston. They also tweeted about our First Look chart.
New @USCensusBureau poverty data shows we need more investments, not less in human needs programs http://t.co/p5DqJjNfg5 #TalkPoverty
— Boston ABCD (@BostonABCD) September 26, 2014
Washington State Community Action Partnership
released their report on Wednesday at a legislative retreat and promoted it on their website and via a press release.
Our state partners will also be sharing their reports with the local offices of their Members of Congress to point to the reality of poverty in their home states.
CHN also received some press about our national report on the state of poverty in the U.S., as Deborah Weinstein was quoted in an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer and in an article from the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange that was also posted on the Youth Today site.
Still more state partners will be releasing their reports in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned for more information about all the great work they’re continuing to do. For more resources, news, and analysis, check out our full list of state reports already released and our 2013 Census and Poverty Data resource page.