Percent with No Health Insurance, by Race and Ethnicity and Congressional District, 2023
StateCongressional DistrictPercent with No Health Insurance
American Indian and Alaska NativeAsianBlackHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian and Pacific IslanderWhite
ALCongressional District 1 (118th Congress), Alabama8.9%7.2%
ALCongressional District 2 (118th Congress), Alabama9.6%7.3%
ALCongressional District 3 (118th Congress), Alabama11.6%5.9%
ALCongressional District 4 (118th Congress), Alabama7.6%
ALCongressional District 5 (118th Congress), Alabama9.2%5.4%
ALCongressional District 6 (118th Congress), Alabama11.5%4.9%
ALCongressional District 7 (118th Congress), Alabama10.0%4.8%
AKCongressional District (at Large) (118th Congress), Alaska19.7%10.0%7.3%
AZCongressional District 1 (118th Congress), Arizona17.3%4.6%
AZCongressional District 2 (118th Congress), Arizona17.8%14.7%7.4%
AZCongressional District 3 (118th Congress), Arizona12.6%24.0%8.4%
AZCongressional District 4 (118th Congress), Arizona9.1%6.5%16.3%5.1%
AZCongressional District 5 (118th Congress), Arizona3.2%8.9%5.7%
AZCongressional District 6 (118th Congress), Arizona10.8%5.4%
AZCongressional District 7 (118th Congress), Arizona18.7%4.8%
AZCongressional District 8 (118th Congress), Arizona13.3%5.2%
AZCongressional District 9 (118th Congress), Arizona13.3%5.8%
ARCongressional District 1 (118th Congress), Arkansas9.5%7.1%
ARCongressional District 2 (118th Congress), Arkansas8.5%4.9%
ARCongressional District 3 (118th Congress), Arkansas26.9%6.3%
ARCongressional District 4 (118th Congress), Arkansas6.8%7.8%
CACongressional District 1 (118th Congress), California10.9%4.7%
CACongressional District 2 (118th Congress), California7.3%2.9%
CACongressional District 3 (118th Congress), California2.0%7.1%3.0%
Source: 2023 American Community Survey data, Table S0201.
Note: The estimates by type of coverage are not mutually exclusive; people can be covered by more than one type of health insurance during the year.
Note: Many people identify with more than one race, and may be represented by multiple categories in this table. Race and ethnicity categories used here are in accordance with "Guidance on Aggregation and allocation of data on race for use in civil rights monitoring and enforcement" U.S. Office of Management and Budget (2000), OMB BULLETIN NO. 00-02, March 2, "White" includes only people who selected White as their race and not Hispanic as their ethnicity. Hispanic includes people of any race. American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Black, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander include people who selected that as their race, and may also have selected additional race or races (referred to by the Census Bureau as "alone or in combination") and may have also selected Hispanic or not Hispanic as their ethnicity. This allows you to get the most expansive number of people who identify, for example, as Black.
Note: Where data are unavailable because of small sample size, we have left the space blank.
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